This is a series of interviews with influential PANDAS/PANS and Lyme advocates. How do they DO it? How do they contend with their own challenges as well as day-to-day life and advocacy fatigue? What can we learn from these incredible people?
From the hearts of some of the most resilient, hard-working, wanting-to-make-a-difference warriors... I introduce to you: Dorothy Leland, Vice President,
Advocacy Fatigue and Resiliency
By Dorothy Leland
I’ve been involved with Lyme disease advocacy ever since my then-13-year-old daughter started experiencing troubling physical symptoms back in 2005. Of course, at first, we didn’t know we were dealing with Lyme and related ills. So, I was just advocating for my daughter’s health—trying to get help for the mysterious condition that forced her into a wheelchair practically overnight.
By the time we finally figured out that we were dealing with Lyme and made our way to a Lyme-literate physician, our family came to recognize that we were battling systemic deficiencies within the whole medical system. This was a much bigger problem than just one child’s medical needs. However, that one child’s needs overwhelmed me, and for quite a while, I couldn’t think beyond what it took to care for her and to keep our family functioning. Doing anything more than that was utterly beyond my capabilities.
In time, however, her health slowly improved—and as it did, my world opened up a bit. I learned as much as I could about Lyme-related issues and looked for ways to get involved. I co-founded a Lyme support group and helped lead it for eight years. I also became active with
In 2009, I started writing the “Touched by Lyme” blog, now in its twelfth year. A few years later, I co-wrote a book called “When Your Child Has Lyme Disease: A Parent’s Survival Guide,” with Sandra Berenbaum, a Lyme-literate family therapist. Throughout my years with, I have helped put on Lyme patient conferences, organized protests against the IDSA Lyme guidelines, lobbied for legislation in Washington DC, and given both verbal and written comments to the federal Tick-Borne Disease Working Group.
I’ve met many patients and advocates over the years and am very familiar with the concept of “advocacy fatigue.” Many advocates are struggling with chronic tick-borne infections themselves or have loved ones who do. They are highly motivated to try to change the world for the better. But sometimes, they overextend themselves—and suffer because of it. About 10 years ago, a woman I knew overcame years of sickness and disability to finally achieve what seemed like a good state of health. It was a dream of hers to return to long-distance cycling—this time to raise money for Lyme research. Although her first big ride was a fundraising success, she had a huge relapse after all that exertion. It set her health way back. It must have been terribly discouraging for her.
When I first entered Lyme advocacy, Facebook and Twitter were in their infancy. And Instagram hadn’t been invented yet. Now, these and other social media platforms offer opportunities for people to help raise Lyme disease awareness in ways that don’t require a lot of physical stamina.
Furthermore, because of changes brought about by the COVID pandemic, many events that used to be in person have migrated to being held online. This has been a boon for would-be advocates. I was pleased to participate in the Center For Lyme Advocacy’s “Virtual Fly-in” in February 2021. Advocates from all over the US met with Congressional staffers to lobby for increase federal funding for Lyme disease—via zoom. As much as I had enjoyed prior in-person meetings in Washington DC, the new way of doing things was so much easier, on so many levels. (And, importantly, many more people were able to participate.)
So, what advice would I offer other advocates, on preventing “advocacy fatigue”?
1. Take advantage of online resources to educate yourself as much as possible about what’s going on in the Lyme community and related issues. (Shameless plug: Sign up for’s email newsletters [link:]. I curate these weekly new summaries and strive to keep my readers well-informed!)
2. Join online forums to foster connections with others in the Lyme community. Facebook offers a lot of such groups. Another choice is US National Lyme group, also sponsored by [link:]
3. Don’t ignore your own physical and emotional needs. One advocate I know who overcame serious illness arranges her life to take a nap every afternoon, without fail. She knows it’s essential for her continued well-being.
4. Even though I’m pointing you towards a lot of online activity, don’t be its captive. Be willing to periodically unplug from the world of Lyme activity—and from the internet in general. Get out in nature, if you’re able to (with proper tick protection of course). When you can do it safely, connect with other people in person. And find whatever it is that nourishes you spiritually—and do it often.
You are more use to yourself, the Lyme community, and everybody else if you DON’T run yourself into the ground!

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