ADVOCACY SPOTLIGHT: Natalie Christenson Barnes

This is a series of interviews with influential PANDAS/PANS and Lyme advocates. How do they DO it? How do they contend with their own challenges as well as day-to-day life and advocacy fatigue? What can we learn from these incredible people?
From the hearts of some of the most resilient, hard-working, wanting-to-make-a-difference warriors... I introduce to you: Natalie Christenson Barnes of Minnesota.
Natalie: Our son Parker's story is just one among so many of the hundreds of thousands of children affected by autoimmune basal ganglia encephalitis.
Our parent community is key. We can change the scope of treatment: early identification, insurance coverage, legislation for awareness and ultimately healing our kids.
We need to move forward as the warriors that we are. The path will be frought with frustrations and challenges, but we together will push the pendulum in the right direction.
Go forth. Be bold. Be confident. We are victors for our kids, their heroes and advocates.
They have been stolen from us but we will not surrender. We will see them return to us fully whole and healed. Happily walking through life as heroes in their own right.
Parker didn’t even attend school for over 2 years.
We advocated and were able to get an insurance mandate bill passed in Minnesota. Parker graduated from 8th grade with highest honors. He was the keynote speaker.....from a child who lost his ability to talk during his worst days.
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