I want to wear blue wings and soar

above the screaming

tantrums of today

I will take you with me

(hold you)

as we gaze down

upon whispery earth

at tiny beings

scuffling about

checking their clocks

and bank accounts


the life of a bird

who does not love so much

that it hurts







Take the PANDAS Quiz!

How PANDASSY are you? Will you pass or fail the PANS quiz? Have a try...no need to submit your score.

True or False? Find the answers at the end of the quiz. 

1. PANDAS affects thousands of children across the world.

2. PANDAS is an acronym that stands for Passionately Angry (and) Nervous Disorder Affecting Snowbunnies.

3. Your neighborhood pediatricians all know a lot about PANDAS/PANS.

4. The best thing you can do for your PANDAS/PANS child is to give them SSRIs for the depression and to bring them to a psychiatric hospital.

5. PANDAS/PANS are not just pediatric diseases.

6. PANS can be triggered by vaccines.

7. Schools know everything there is to know about how PANS and PANDAS affects learning.

8. October 9 is PANDAS Awareness Day.

9. Families who deal with PANS and PANDAS typically spend a lot of money for treatments.

10. PANDAS/PANS is often distinguished by a sudden onset of symptoms that appear as behaviors and moods.

11. Kids with PANDAS are sometimes at risk for suicide.

12. PANDAS is another name for Tourette's.

13. Mozart may have had PANDAS.

14. PANDAS is like rheumatic fever of the brain (instead of the heart.)

15. PANDAS is a type of autoimmune encephalitis.

16. PANDAS/PANS is often over-diagnosed.

17. PANDAS/PANS is often mis-diagnosed.

18. Many doctors at first blame the parents for the symptoms of the children.

19. Family members are always so understanding.

20. PANDAS/PANS has received a lot of attention in the 100 years it's been studied in depth.

Ready to grade yourself? 

1.    T
2.    F
3.    F
4.    F
5.    T
6.    T
7.    F
8.    T
9.    T
10.  T
11.  T
12.  F
13.  T
14.  T
15.  T
16.  F
17.  T
18.  T
19.  F
20.  F

Well, how'd you do? Each question is worth 5 points. Below 70 means you need to start reading this blog. 70-79 means you might want to check out www.nepans.org and www.PANDASNetwork.org. 80-89 means you are far more knowledgeable and kind-spirited than the average human being. 90-100 means you kick PANDAS's butt!

Want to do more? Share a post about PANDAS/PANS. Hey, you could save the life of a child who has it. Literally. 

Donate. Go to http://www.nepans.org and www.PANDASNetwork.org. Even $9 for October 9 can help!

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Reader Comments (2)

Thankyou for bringing awareness to this horrible affliction. That being said I hate the fact that I knew the answers to every question. Every parent of a PANS/ PANDAS child has to be vigilant about learning and sharing information as the mainstream medical community hasn't caught up yet, so thankyou again for the very important work your doing in raising awareness.

October 9, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterGina

I got a 95% because I had no idea about Mozart but it wouldn't surprise me. Where is the info on that? I'd love to read it as I am a musician!

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