To Test or Not to Test
A blood test to determine whether your child has PANDAS is now available through Moleculera Labs.
I am thrilled. I've been anxiously awaiting this test.
But now that it's available, I'm not sure that I will have my son take it.
On the positive side, this test could tell us definitively whether or not my son has PANDAS or PANS. But do I need a test to tell us that? Four independent, knowledgeable doctors have already diagnosed him and the treatments are slowly working. Through these doctors, we also discovered that he has Lyme Disease. All this occured after he was previously misdiagnosed as having a mood disorder, tic disorder, and more. Psychiatric drugs did not help. IVIG does work. My son has PANDAS. I don't need another blood test to confirm it anymore.
However, this test is integral to the worldwide fight against PANDAS. Had this test existed 3 1/2 years ago, and had our pediatricians deemed it important to rule out PANDAS before subjecting my baby to psych drugs and a psychiatric hospital, we all would have been saved a lot of grief, suicidal attempts and dangerous medications.
We need a medical test that pediatricians can utilize when a parent brings in a child who has had a sudden change in behavior. Or when a parent brings in a child with a set of behaviors that have existed for a long time, without an effective treatment plan. I know of at least one child who has probably had PANDAS from the time he was very young; there was no sudden onset. Doctors are very quick to push either the "psychiatric" or the "autism" diagnoses.
On the positive side, perhaps this test will push insurance companies into treating PANDAS. But if my son tests negative, will insurance companies stop covering our costs? He also has Lyme Disease, but we know how much insurance companies recognize chronic Lyme Disease.
Part of me would love to just have the test results. I would like to support the doctors who have been studying and creating the test. However, the test would cost me $925. I don't have $925. I've been dropping an extra $925 a month on medical bills for the last few years. I'm out. Insurance may cover some of it. Maybe. But I'm still left with a large bill. And for what? What can this test do for my son that we haven't already done? If I had the funds, I'd test him and not get insurance involved at all. Our doctors would know how to handle the results either way.
But the person I really want to test now healthy daughter. If this test weren't prohibitively expensive, I would have her tested in a heartbeat. I am forever questioning every little symptom she it normal? Is it a copycat behavior? Is she striving for attention? Does she have PANDAS?
She's really a happy, healthy kid. When she got sick recently, she ran a fever. I rejoiced, much to her dismay. "But you have a fever, sweetie! That's wonderful! At least you get sick the right way!" My son doesn't get fevers often. When he had the flu, his little germ-fighting cells attacked his brain instead. He became a terror. See my symtpom list and you'll know how he acts when he gets exposed to germs. Fever: Good!
PANDAS seems to run in families. Autoimmune diseases seem to run in families. My husband has a different autoimmune disease. I hope I'm not the only odd-man out, that is, I hope my daughter has also escaped this life sentence. But a couple of Lyme strands here, a strange tic there....and I fear for her. Having the knowledge the Cunningham panel test can provide would be enabling.
Or, perhaps unnecessary in my daughter's case. We have an upcoming appointment for my daughter with my son's integrative doctor, with the goal being to keep my daughter's immune system as healthy as possible. Also, children with PANDAS have been helped incredibly with homeopathy. One does not need a diagnosis to treat homeopathically. One doesn't need a diagnosis to strengthen the immune system. Homeopathy is a likely alternative as well.
We have choices as to treatments. Until now, we haven't had many choices as to finding a doctor or test that would properly diagnose our children who suffer from this autoimmune disease. My husband and I have spent tens of thousands of dollars and visited scores of doctors to find a diagnosis and a treatment that words. For ONLY $925 and a simple blood test, you can get that diagnosis now.
But not if you live in NY or a few other states. By the way, NY also doesn't believe in Igenex testing for Lyme Disease. Oh, we have far to go.